Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Building Challenges

Sometimes you just need to take a brain break.  That's what last week was for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade classes.  Kids participated in one of 6 different small group building challenges during their library/tech time.  It was a great opportunity, also, for conversations about group work dynamics, working through challenges, and focusing on the process, not the product.

Maker Club

Our first ever 4th grade Maker Club is coming to a close.  I was so glad that my schedule allowed for this to happen this year, as it's something I've been wanting to do since we first created our makerspace.  The club met during lunch time, and while the kids ate, I taught a mini-lesson about a specific piece of equipment - this allowed the kids to have time with some of the things we don't always get to use during our library/tech classes.  Then they had the rest of our 45 minute time to either do something with the equipment we'd looked at that day, or work on a project of their choice.  They loved the MaKey MaKeys, the Chibilight circuit stickers, and the Dash and Dot robots in particular.
3Doodler Pens

Chibi Lights and Circuit Art

Dash and Dot Xylo

Dash and Dot

Next up is our 2nd grade robotics club, starting in February.

Monday, January 23, 2017

STEAM all over the school!

The last week before our holiday break was so fun for me. . . walking around the building I saw STEAM challenges and activities everywhere!  I love how now, in our third year with our makerspace, it's becoming integrated into the classroom!

5K - "Help the Gingerbread Man Cross the River" Bridge Building Challenge

5K -  Interactive Holiday Greetings: Scan the QR code to hear them perform holiday music while reading their published writing.

2nd grade - Interactive 3D Printed Shapes Museum: Scan the QR code to watch a Shadow Puppet video about the attributes of their chosen shapes

 1st Grade - iPad App inspired holiday published writing: "Tech the Halls"

2nd Grade - Santa's Helper Design Challenge: 
Fit Santa and a bag of toys in the sleigh using recycled materials

Toys and STEAM

Balancing Whales
Our first big design project with the third and fourth graders has wrapped up, and it was so much fun!  I was inspired for this project when I was cleaning out our basement this summer and I came across a toy I had been given years and years ago by a student called "balancing whales"

I realized how much science went into the design of that toy and wanted to try to come up with a way to integrate it into the classroom somehow.  Then I started thinking about some of the other toys I was picking up - ball poppers, tops, snap bracelets, light up toys. . . as I looked at each one, even the super cheap Happy Meal/carnival prize type toys, I saw so many uses of math and science in their design.  I decided that would be a fun springboard for a design project, and off we went.

First we did some review of the design process (after all it was the first month back at school!!)

What Makes a Top Spin?
Then we our research.  The kids studied and analyzed the toys, looked up various forces, simple machines, and other science concepts to see what made the toys work.  I loved seeing them really look at the toys differently than they normally would.  Many of them even brought in toys from home, as they started looking for the science there as well.

3D Printed Marble Hand Maze
After they'd looked at a few toys, they were ready to come up with a plan to create a toy inspired by one of the toys we looked at.  Their ideas were so creative and fun!   Many of them decided they wanted to use the 3D printer to help them generate parts that they didn't have.  Great to see us at that level of integration for that equipment as well!

After weeks of designing, testing, and improving, they shared their creations with the group and posted videos of themselves explaining them to their Seesaw accounts for their parents to enjoy as well.

The final step of this project was a self-evaluation.  I'm really working on including more of this into their work this year, so that they're thinking about what they want to accomplish in a project and how to assess whether or not they have achieved it.  The rubric I created was adapted from several examples I found on line, tailored to fit this particular project.

Enjoy some of the pictures of their fun and creative projects!
Sphero Driven Car
Catapult Skee-Ball

Puff Ball Launcher
3D Printed Hot Air Balloon

Bendy Dog
Kaleidoscope Sunglasses

Bird Nest Challenge

"Bird's Nest"   by  Rugged Lens  is licensed under  CC BY-SA 2.0  Nothing says "Spring" like birds making nex...