Earlier this week I had the opportunity to meet with individuals from Learn Deep, a company working to bring innovative learning into schools of all levels throughout the greater Milwaukee area. We met, along with teachers from South Milwaukee High School and Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design, and a representative from the Betty Brinn Children's Museum at the e-Cycling center at Goodwill of Southeastern Wisconsin, in Greendale. The purpose of this meeting was to start conversations about how school/museum/library makerspaces can partner with Goodwill e-cycling to re-purpose some of the parts that arrive at the recycling center into projects.

The goal is to easily get these parts into the hands of schools looking to start makerspaces or supply existing makerspaces. This was a great reminder to me that there are lots of community partnerships that could be formed between schools and organizations looking to unload equipment they no longer use, but want to keep out of the landfills. It is so important that those involved in makerspaces get involved in these conversations so that organizations know what we could use in our spaces. Stay tuned as Learn Deep moves forward with this project. It will be a great way to help all schools grow innovative learning for their students.