Our first grade students just wrapped up a non-fiction reading/writing unit in their classrooms. We decided that this lent itself nicely to some design and technology projects as a culminating activity. It ended up being a great way to integrate our library/research/technology skills with the design element in the makerspace.
Each student chose one non-fiction topic they'd read and written about in class, or one that interested them but they hadn't had time to research yet. They used
Pebble Go to do a bit more reading, and then they sketched their design idea. In weeks 2 and 3, they built their models using the following criteria: It had to be 3-Dimensional (great conversation with these first graders about what that means and the difference between 2D and 3D), it had to be realistic (shape, color, features, etc.), and it had to be small enough for them to take it home with them on the bus . . . no life sized rhinos allowed!

They did such a great job putting detail into their objects, some even building dioramas to create a "backdrop" for their object. This was the first time I've tried a completely open ended design project with first graders. Usually they are designing to meet a certain challenge or creating something a bit more directed. I was really pleased with the level of creativity and effort. During this time, we had a few different groups of visitors coming through the makerspace, and many commented on the level of engagement from the students, and how there were virtually no behavior issues while they were working. They were also impressed with how well the kids clean up - the room went from chaos to order in 10 minutes! Our kids love and respect the makerspace, and they realize how lucky they are to have it. They know they need to keep the room in good shape!
Up next, they are going to use
Chatterpix to add narration to their objects, so that they can share some of the facts they've learned as well.
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